Sometimes you encounter people in your life that are just plain irritating. I know that I should just learn to let it go and turn the other cheek but these people just worm theirselves under your skin.
People that drive in the left lane, for instance. The left lane is the "fast" lane or the passing lane. If you are going to go 55 mph on 65 mph highway, DO NOT drive in the left lane.
People that have always been through the same thing that you are going through but it's always 10 times worse. That just blows my mind. These people have evidently had an extremely tiring life.
People that like to throw stones but when the stone is thrown back, they are the victim.
People that have an opinion about everything, even when it's not wanted.
People that have to copy everything you do. I can't stand people that do not have an original thought. (That is one reason I will not live inside the city limits of a small town again.)
People that have to have something wrong with them. You know, whatever happened to just having a headache? Or a stomach ache? Or just being tired? Why do people now have to believe that their is an underlying health issue and remain adamant about it if medical tests prove otherwise?
Why is it that when people suffer a devastating loss due to storms, like an entire house or a school, others have to demean this by loosing a tree in their front yard or a plant from their garden? I'm sure that anyone of those people would be glad to have their home back and give the plant instead.
People who don't study but expect an A. That's annoying. It kills me to walk out of class and hear people going on about how they flunked a test but yet they never cracked the book or paid attention or showed up in class. If you don't work for it, it's not going to be handed to you. HELLO?
I'm sure I could go on forever and rant and rave but I won't. I feel better now. Thanks, for letting me vent.
Everyone needs to vent sometimes... You hit on most of my favorite topic's. :)
That's the best thing about blogs :) You can vent all day every day. :D
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