Friday, April 10, 2009


Blogging for me has become an outlet. When I was younger I used to have a diary. I never had a journal and was never taught about journaling like they do in today's school.

I remember trying to teach Colton about journaling a few years ago and I was met with adamant protest from not only him but his father and his grandparents. His journal was more like..."I fed the chickens. I watered the dog. I ate breakfast. I schooled." He hated it.

I on the other hand am taking great pleasure in it. On the days I do not journal I feel like I have forgotten something. On the days that I write a large piece that I'm proud of I feel like I've conquered the world.

In lurking about, I have found journals can be personal, impersonal, about something or about nothing. You can focus on one idea or you can meander on about anything and everything.

I find the blogs that I take the greatest interest in are the one's that the writer shares a bit of himself or herself. You become so entwined with this person and what is going on in their lives that when something goes wrong you want to reach through the computer and give them a big hug to comfort them. Just the opposite, they might have a great accomplishment and you revel in their success.

I have read blogs about a former TV personality that now has a bakery in a small West Texas town to the common everyday housewife that enjoys singing in her church choir.

I have friends that sign on just to read my blog and see what I'm babbling about to total strangers that visit and leave. I have found that I look forward to comments. They make me absolutely, positively warm inside.

I can open up about things that I might not just bring up in casual conversation. I can bare my soul about irritating things. I can brag on my kids. I can blog any feeling I'm feeling at that moment and if I'm good enough, you will feel like you're there with me.

Thanks for reading my blog and I do hope you come back. And Ms. A, Thanks for showing me this wonderful outlet that I would have never known about nor ever thought about until you suggested it.

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