Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Significant Event

I think the most significant event in my life was losing my grandpa when I was 16. At that point, I took on a more grown up air. It felt as if my childhood had been stolen from me. Sixteen is when you are supposed to be starting to date, learning to drive, not dealing with death. My whole life changed the year I turned 16. Two weeks after I turned 16, my mom got married. Three weeks after I turned 16 that’s when my grandpa died.I didn’t know how to cope with my feelings. I pushed people away that I had been close to. I never really turned rebellious until I was 18 but up until that point things just built and built and then like a volcano that was under pressure it all came spewing forth. They say you go through stages to cope with death and I think I was stuck somewhere in a stage for a while. I was probably in my 20’s before I actually dealt with my feelings. I can remember going to my grandpa’s grave and crying for what seemed like hours

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